Your guide to gingivectomy to restore the health and beauty of your gum line
Healthy gums are essential to the health of your teeth and the rest of your mouth. They help to hold your teeth in place and protect the teeth and bone from damage by sealing out the “bad stuff,” such as harmful bacteria and plaque. However, when your gums suddenly hurt, bleed when you brush them or appear to pull away from the teeth, damage caused by periodontal disease (gum disease) may have already occurred and require treatment. Options to give your gums a fresh start at the specialty office of the Periodontal Center of Georgia in Conyers include the gingivectomy procedure.
What is a gingivectomy?
Gingivectomy treatment involves one of our two highly qualified and talented periodontists, Drs Jean-Max Jean-Pierre and Robert Creager, removing damaged gum tissue.
Is treatment only for damaged gums?
No. Our specialists may also remove tissue that is overgrown or excessive and, in turn, contributes to an unbalanced or overly “gummy” smile. The overgrowth of such tissue is referred to as “gingival hyperplasia,” it may be caused by congenital or systemic diseases and the medications used to treat them. The gums may appear enlarged due to inflammation. This inflammation may be due to poor or inconsistent hygiene and can also indicate gum disease. So, there are a variety of health and cosmetic benefits associated with this process.
How is it done?
As a specialty center, we have a variety of advanced techniques and technological capabilities. Conventionally, the excess gum tissue is accessed and removed with dental instruments. Minimal bone tissue in the area may also be removed as needed. The opening to access and remove these excessive and damaged tissues is also closed with stitches/sutures. Gingivectomies may also be performed with dental lasers. These devices seal or cauterize tissues, which may mean we do not need to use sutures to close the incision.
Do I need to prepare for treatment?
There is generally little to no preparation with gingivectomy other than arranging for transportation if your procedure will be accompanied by sedation. Since some deeper forms of sedation are associated with lingering drowsiness, it is unsafe to drive or operate machinery immediately afterward. This is where a reliable driver comes into play.
What should I expect on the day of treatment?
All patients at the Periodontal Center of Georgia will be fully numbed and comfortable from the very start. That way, when we apply our dental instruments and devices to the treatment sites, you won’t feel anything. After removing any tissue, our periodontists skillfully reshape the gumline to support your most balanced, pleasing, and healthy smile. Likewise, bone may also need to be reshaped. Then, the treatment site is closed as required. A protective covering is also applied.
What can I expect afterward?
Our team in Conyers, Georgia, will go over everything with you. So, there will be no surprises. With good oral care, the results from treatment are largely permanent. It also takes about a week for the gums to heal. You can support prompt and predictable healing by following our instructions; for instance, to avoid persistent or worsening discomfort, swelling, and bleeding, be sure to refrain from heavy lifting or exercise for at least 48 hours. Clean the area gently and introduce solid foods gradually and as directed. We welcome your specific questions – call (770) 767-0603 today.